UPVC & Aluminium Windows and Doors
Ozon Tec brings to you an extensive range of secure, gorgeous and exquisite uPVC windows and aluminium doors that will not only transform the elegance of your house but also protect your home from the outside world.
- Built to last & easy maintenance
- Rust-resistant
- Eco-friendly
- Thermal and sound insulation

Cladding Materials
If you’ve been searching for the best cladding materials, you are at the right place. Ozon Tec deals with FunderMax manufactures, the best quality High Pressure Laminates or commonly known as HPL panels for Facade cladding,
- Best quality HPL
- Extremely effective weather protection
- Long lasting
- High scratch resistance

Fire Rated Doors
Ozon Tec brings to you specialized fire grade doors from our primary manufacturers Hörmann, a pioneer in high performance doors across the world and No. 1 door brand in Europe. We adopt cutting-edge German technology to design, build and supply doors for industrial, commercial and residential applications.

Digital Measuring Tools
We bring you measuring tools from Bosch which offers outstanding precision with the greatest ease of use. Due to their robustness, the digital measuring tools guarantee the most accurate results also in day-to-day construction site applications
- Outstanding precision
- Robust and long life
- Easy and convenient to use
- Maximum accuracy even in extreme conditions

DI-NOC™ Architectural Films
Ozon Tec brings to you specialized fire grade doors from our primary manufacturers Hörmann, a pioneer in high performance doors across the world and No. 1 door brand in Europe. We adopt cutting-edge German technology to design, build and supply doors for industrial, commercial and residential applications.

Wooden Flooring
Considering we spend a good quality of time indoors, we make it important that the buildings you live in contribute in your overall wellbeing. One way we do it is by bringing nature into your space! Subtle and calm, wooden floors are always a favourite among many. Turn your buildings into that stunning, sophisticated and stylish spaces that exceeds your expectations!
We run on these, & more!
What We Have Here for You
We are dedicated to craftsmanship, bespoke products, value for money and outstanding customer service.
It’s our responsibility to innovate and provide the best to our trusted customers.
We adopt cutting-edge technology for industrial, commercial and residential needs.